Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sweet Dreams, poem #3

This poem goes with a painting I did. Cick here to see it.

Sweet Dreams

So many horrors to tell
So many tragic events

My young life is full of terrors day and night

They have lost their power now
Fear no longer grips
His fingers have been severed
By bloody brow and whips

A flower beckons me to its sway
Its fragrance embraces me all night
I walk into the center
Healing sleep wins the fight

By Fawn McNeill Barr

Monday, February 4, 2008

Lost Smile, poem #2

Lost Smile

i am lowly
i am week

You are lovely
You are strong

i am rotten through and through
There is no hope at all

You tell me I am pure now
You have cleansed my all

I smile when I look to you
I know your words are true

Then i see my own hands again
as i lose sight of You

i cannot find that smile
when i do not look to You

By Fawn McNeill Barr

Saturday, February 2, 2008

For That One, Poem #1

I am not big on poetry, and not great at spelling or grammar, but every now and then a poem gets started in my head and I write it down. So I thought maybe I would start posting some of them here. Feel free to let me know what you think! 

 This is the first one I have written in a long time: #1.

 For That One 

 Riddles and rhymes are not my thing
 I have to know I have to understand. 
When sharing the depths of eternal things 
I want you to know 
I want you to understand.
I struggle with the pen 
Yet words must be declared 
For that one soul to hear 
For that one soul to understand. 
My paintings sing without saying a word 
They tell of these things I need to share
For that one to know 
For that one to understand. 
The brush gives me no struggle 
It speaks clearly of eternal things 
Things my soul knows 
Things it understands. 

 By Fawn McNeill Barr